PhaseCam MWIR’s mainframe, positioned to use a side-port beam expander accessory.
4D Technology, a subsidiary of Onto Innovation, announces the PhaseCam MWIR, a new Twyman-Green interferometer product line. The PhaseCam MWIR is a dual-port, midwave infrared interferometer that measures optical surface shape and wavefront error at a 3.39 µm infrared wavelength with incredibly fast acquisition for vibration and turbulence immunity. Even when measurements are taken over long paths, in turbulence, or in vibration, the PhaseCam MWIR accurately measures critical optical parameters like transmitted wavefront error.
These measurements provide validation of IR optical components in reflection or transmission, in system alignment situations, or for single optics. By measuring at wavelength, end users in remote sensing, defense, and aerospace measure optical performance without needing to apply the more imprecise wavelength correction calculations needed when using visible wavelengths.
The PhaseCam MWIR is unlike any other Twyman-Green interferometer. With only the turn of a knob, the PhaseCam MWIR easily lets you switch between two different optical test beams without changing the setup; allowing you to measure through the system’s main aperture or through the side port.
It’s like having two optical test stations in one setup.
“4D Technology is proud of the ‘two interferometers in one’ versatility of the PhaseCam MWIR. The need for measuring wavefronts with midwave infrared is continuing to become more demanding, and the new PhaseCam MWIR makes that process easier and better overall. It is very gratifying to have completed our first installations in North America,” said Erik Novak, Ph. D., general manager of 4D Technology.
For a collimated beam to measure optical systems or flats, 100mm and 150mm aperture beam expanders use the side port as standard accessories, while 300mm aperture beam expanders are available for quote.

PhaseCam MWIR mainframe, showing the side port (covered).
About 4D Technology
4D Technology is an Onto Innovation subsidiary and is a world leader in dynamic and high precision three-dimensional surface metrology.