The Drive to Faster Data Transmission
Communications companies have traditionally relied on radio-frequency (RF) communication to transmit data signals. Today, however, these same companies are looking to laser-based communications for uplink, downlink, and data transfer.
Optical communications can provide thousands of times more data capability than RF systems. Additionally, laser-based systems offer dramatic cost reductions and are far less susceptible to detection, interception, jamming, and frequency interference than RF systems.

NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration communicating with the International Space Station over laser links. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
Metrology to Meet Optical Communication Challenges
The optical components and systems involved in transmitting, relaying, and receiving these signals must be held to rigorous controls at every functional wavelength.
4D Technology has been leading the development of metrology for space-based optics since its inception over 20 years ago. 4D offers multiple solutions to measure surface quality, transmitted wavefront quality, and surface roughness of these critical optics and systems.

NASA’s Low-Cost Optical Terminal (LCOT) prototype ground telescope. Credit: NASA.
Surface Shape and Wavefront Quality
The AccuFiz SWIR Fizeau Interferometer and PhaseCam Twyman-Green SWIR Interferometer both operate around the 1550 nm wavelength. Their advantages for optical measurements include:
- unique capability to accept external sources at wavelengths throughout the C-Band, enabling manufacturers to test optical components and systems at every operational wavelength
- vibration immunity to measure in challenging environments, without isolation
- compact, lightweight design that simplifies test setups
- highly accurate measurement of focal and afocal optics, aspheres, optical systems and telescopes, prisms, corner cubes, etc.
- Real-time optical system alignment and collimation.

AccuFiz Fizeau and PhaseCam Twyman-Green interferometers for vibration-insensitive testing throughout the C-Band.
Surface Roughness
Excessive surface roughness can scatter the beam, leading to signal loss, reduced data transfer rates, and crosstalk.
The NanoCam HD optical profiler measures roughness on optical grade surfaces. Robot-mounted or handheld, the NanoCam measures rapidly at multiple locations around an optic to ensure that roughness falls within specifications.

NanoCam HD mounted on robot for production roughness measurements.
More on Optical Communications
Read more in the application note, “Vibration-Immune Metrology to Drive Optical Communications”
4D Infrared Interferometers

AccuFiz SWIR
AccuFiz Short Wavelength IR measures flat, concave, and convex spherical optics at functional wavelengths in the C-Band (1535-1565nm wavelength band).

PhaseCam SWIR
4D PhaseCam SWIR Twyman-Green interferometers excel at measuring large, concave optics and optical systems at 1550 nm. The unique, external port enables external laser sources to be used at wavelengths throughout the C-Band.
NanoCam HD
Robot-mounted or handheld, the NanoCam HD optical profiler measures surface roughness on smooth and supersmooth optics.